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Creative Writing Club Hub

Create a space for the love of language.

Educators! Are you looking for ways to enrich your community's relationship with language?

Creative writing clubs can promote literacy, community, and mental health for their members and facilitators. Explore this website for information, inspiration, and ideas!

Improve Writing.

Build Relationships.

Strengthen Mental Health.


These are just some of the benefits that creative writing clubs offer their participants. Yet, many of these clubs depend on a constellation of volunteers: teachers and community members invested in fostering people’s love of language.

This site is designed to help you gain the information and inspiration you need to lead a creative writing club.

Using This Site

About This Honors Project


         Hi, I'm Stephanie Altier, and this is my Honors Project. The BGSU Honors Project is a capstone experience meant to challenge students to produce original, interdisciplinary scholarship.

       As a pre-service teacher and 10+ year member of creative writing clubs, I am using this experience to share my passion for creative writing clubs with other educators. 

      The content on this website is informed by my focus group research, literature review, consultation with advisors, and personal experience. Learn more about my project, methods, and sources below. 



  • This site reflects recent scholarship and my own perspectives. See bias acknowledgement at the bottom of the page.


  • The views on this site do not necessarily reflect the views of the advisors.


  • "Best practices" vary by context. This site was designed with 7-12 educators in mind, though material may still apply to other groups.


  • I haven't yet led my own 7-12 creative writing club, but I will soon!



Facilitating a creative writing club isn't complicated. I treasured my high school club that ran on nothing but a couple hours a week, paper, prompts, and students' creativity. 

     Still, these clubs carry cosmos of possibility. Whether you've never heard of a creative writing club or you're looking to strengthen a club you already run, this site has resources for you! â€‹

Get your questions answered!

Gain research-backed ideas!

Find out what it's really like!

About the Creator

Stephanie Altier (she/her)
Educator, BGSU Honors College Alumni

My profile picture for BG Inklings.

Creative writing clubs are life-sustaining..These groups continue to forge my deepest friendships, broaden my perspectives, and sustain my mental health. My journey with creative writing is as follows: 


  • 2013-2014: Joined Power of the Pen 

  • 2014: Led a group of Scrawlers, creative writers in 5-6th grades.

  • 2015-2019: Attended Write On, a high school creative writing group.

  • 2016-2017: Participated in PenOhio competitions

  • 2019-2021: Co-founded a creative writing group in BGSU's Honors Learning Community

  • 2020-Present: Facilitates a creative group among my friends

  • 2021: Reviewed submissions for Prairie Margins

  • 2021-2023: President of BG Inklings

  • 2022-2023: Student teaching creative writing at Springfield HS


Honestly, my passion for creative writing clubs is not about the writing. After almost 10 years of these clubs, I have no published works. What I do have are friends, attitudes, and experiences that continue to shape me into a more passionate and curious person. While creative writing clubs can absolutely empower writers to get published and paid, creative writing clubs can do so much more than that.


Through this project, I hope to communicate that creative writing clubs can enrich the lives of their members and the facilitators who run them.


Feedback Encouraged

Bias acknowledgement: I am a White, cisgendered, able-bodied educator from a semi-rural college in Northwest Ohio. This project is influenced by my own perspective and those I was able to seek in its development.


Please continue the conversation by leaving feedback about how the site can better promote diverse perspectives on how to create creative writing clubs that are inclusive of all people


I would love any other kind of feedback, too! I hope to continue developing this website throughout my career.


© 2022 by Stephanie Altier.

Please use content and ideas from this site, but be sure to credit the appropriate creator. See my reference list to find my original sources.

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