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      Again, no two creative writing clubs are alike. They vary widely in their goals, activities, and environments. Cassandra Lawton (2022) recommends that club leaders create consensus about the main purpose of the club. 

   Through my research, I found that creative writing clubs tend to primarily focus on students' academic, social, or personal development. Although every club will likely provide every kind of benefit to some extent, choosing a primary goal will help you market your club and prioritize activities. 

   Click on the boxes below for research and ready-to-roll ideas. Explore each section, or focus on one that seems right for you and your students!

What Would my Club Do?
Wild Path
What Would my Club Do?

Explore the buttons to get ideas for each type of goal.

Feedback Encouraged

Bias acknowledgement: I am a White, cisgendered, able-bodied educator from a semi-rural college in Northwest Ohio. This project is influenced by my own perspective and those I was able to seek in its development.


Please continue the conversation by leaving feedback about how the site can better promote diverse perspectives on how to create creative writing clubs that are inclusive of all people


I would love any other kind of feedback, too! I hope to continue developing this website throughout my career.


© 2022 by Stephanie Altier.

Please use content and ideas from this site, but be sure to credit the appropriate creator. See my reference list to find my original sources.

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