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Academic, Personal


Timed Writing, Informal Sharing

About the Course


  • Adaptable

  • Research-based

Quick-writing can take many forms, but it generally refers to a span of 2-10 minute writing inspired by a prompt or a mentor text (Dunn, 2022). This low-stakes writing has great potential to decrease students' writing-reluctance (Dunn, 2022). Jenna Dunn's (2022) insightful Honors Project offers a wealth of information about the origins and potential of quick-writing. In it, she explains three models for quickwriting. See which one is most useful for your needs.

Elbow (1998) Model

  • Freewriting as way to generate a more polished product (as cited in Dunn, 2022, p. 5)

    • Steps:

      • Freewrite to discover ideas

      • At the end, locate the "center of gravity"

        • The most important part of your writing.

      • Apply to a formal draft in-progress

Kittle and Graves (2005) model

  • Quickwriting as a way to experiment and explore voice and style (as cited in Dunn, 2022, p. 5)

    • Steps:

      • Regular 10 minute prompt-based writing

      • At the end, look for a "heart-beat"

        • Similar to the center of gravity

      • Look for parts that sound most like you

Rief (2018)

  • Quickwriting prompts based on mentor texts (as cited in Dunn, 2022, p. 5).

    • Steps:

      • Same as above, but with the use of mentor texts as prompts

Feedback Encouraged

Bias acknowledgement: I am a White, cisgendered, able-bodied educator from a semi-rural college in Northwest Ohio. This project is influenced by my own perspective and those I was able to seek in its development.


Please continue the conversation by leaving feedback about how the site can better promote diverse perspectives on how to create creative writing clubs that are inclusive of all people


I would love any other kind of feedback, too! I hope to continue developing this website throughout my career.


© 2022 by Stephanie Altier.

Please use content and ideas from this site, but be sure to credit the appropriate creator. See my reference list to find my original sources.

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