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Stories around the Room


Social, Personal


About the Course

Stories around the Room

  • Activty

The stories around the room activity can help writers think about several specific aspects of stories: 

  • Setting

  • Character

  • Conflict

  • Plot


        In this activity, writers spend time in different stations. In the first station, they brainstorm a setting. Then, they move stations. They examine someone else's setting and create a character who might inhabit it. Then, they move stations again. Looking at the setting and character, writers create a conflict. In the fourth step, they return to the their original work. In addition to their setting, they will see a character and a conflict. They will outline a story that resolved the conflict. 


  Large whiteboards or collaborative online workspaces


  • Conventions of narrative

  • Inferencing

  • Communicating clearly

Obviously, the activity helps writers understand conventions of storytelling. The format of the activity also compels them to communicate clearly and make inferences. If they are not able to organize their thoughts clearly, they will realize that their characters, settings, and conflicts will get misinterpreted. When they approach someone else's brainstorm, they will need to draw reasonable conclusions from what has been explained.


Station 1 - World

  • Describe a world

    • Is it similar or different to our world?

    • What are the laws, practices, cultures in this world?

    • What are the physical characteristics of this world?

Switch stations. Examine another world.

Station 2 - Character

  • Describe a character who would live in this world. 

    • What do they look like?​

    • What do they do?

    • What do they want?

Switch stations. Examine the world and character.

Station 3 - Conflict 

  • Create a problem for this character.

    • What is a problem they would realistically have?​

    • Is it related to the world, themselves, or both?

Switch stations. Examine the character and conflict created in your world.

Station 4 - Story

  • Outline a narrative based on what you have.

Feedback Encouraged

Bias acknowledgement: I am a White, cisgendered, able-bodied educator from a semi-rural college in Northwest Ohio. This project is influenced by my own perspective and those I was able to seek in its development.


Please continue the conversation by leaving feedback about how the site can better promote diverse perspectives on how to create creative writing clubs that are inclusive of all people


I would love any other kind of feedback, too! I hope to continue developing this website throughout my career.


© 2022 by Stephanie Altier.

Please use content and ideas from this site, but be sure to credit the appropriate creator. See my reference list to find my original sources.

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