Reading like a writer stuff

Timed Writing
Academic, Drafting
Quickwriting, Informal Sharing, Projects
About the Course
Timed Writing
See also: Quickwrites, Informal Sharing, Published Projects
For most creative writing clubs, members may need time to write. Frequent timed writing can help students practice focusing, drafting, and accomplishing short term goals. This may not only improve their writing skills, but it can help them become more comfortable with timed-writing in general.
There are a few ways to modify the practice to make it more accessible and fun for all members:
Display a visual timer
Play music (or allow students to listen to music)
Source prompts from members
A Google Form is an easy way to do this!
The Most Dangerous Writing App encourages you to keep writing or it deletes your progress!
It's possible to reclaim your work by downloading it to a Word Doc
The site also has prompts and advice. It wasn't made for 7-12 education, but the content seems
Use a more structured quickwrite
Create opportunites for informal sharing